Is AglessDating Working or is it a scam?
It’s not uncommon for newer sites to recruit users based on somewhat deceptive practices of using fake profiles to encourage naive young men to pay for membership based on the hope of being able to flirt with and date some of women on the site. But when a site goes so far as pay employees to interact with the users in order to make them think there’s a woman on the other side who’s actually interested in them, they we have a very serious problem with that. Some people might go so far as to call that fraudulent.
Now we tested 80 sites across the internet with a 6 man team and found that the majority of them barely offered the service that they advertised. Instead it became a hub for cam girls to recruit clients, which as you probably already know, does not require a dating site. You can find cam girls anywhere on the internet and interact with them if that’s your thing. There’s no need to pay for a secondary service in order to access cam girls, or to interact with them on a site.
With this in mind, let’s check out the numbers on Our crew sent out 250 emails as we did on all the other sites we tested. In response we received 148 replies, but only 4 of those women said they were willing to meet us out somewhere, and then none of them showed up.
Is AgelessDating Real?
We find it very difficult to believe that it is. In our opinion the site is a hub for cam girls and AgelessDating scams have become the norm now for cougar and cub dating sites. In our estimation we found only 3 the actually worked and the rest were complete garbage. They were a waste of money, and even worse, they were a waste of our time.

There are a lot of mature dating site more efficient than AgelessDating. Click here to find out what are the 3 best cougar dating sites for young men.
Is AgelessDating legit? If AgelessDating is a legit site, we couldn’t make it work for us. Most of the women we spoke to were more interested in getting us to pay for a cam show than they were actually meeting us in person. It’s horrible to have to write this, but it’s really bad for the industry to have a site parading itself around as a legitimate dating service, when in fact it offers a completely useless access to cam girls which you can also find on cam girl sites. It reflects very poorly on the industry and it’s horrible to the young guys who are super exciting about meeting a real woman to find out later that they’ve been played by a pro. Services like these need to be called out on their tactics because they have no business in the sex dating industry.
Hookup sites in general have basically been spoofed by unethical businesses who hide behind loopholes in the law, that allow them to bury clauses in their terms of service to get away with things like this.
What unethical sites will do is use something called “White Labeling” which means basically they can sell their service as one thing when it is really something else entirely. It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book actually. The old bait and switch. And tactics like these are the reason we put this website together in the first place. We wanted to prevent sites from exploiting young dudes because not only do you lose your money, but it discourages you from online sex dating which is something we all had a lot of fun with.
The problem is with sites like these, is that it becomes apparent that they’re a scam site and then the owners take them down, but you find that they’ve popped up somewhere else under a totally different name. Another old trick. When you have a crappy product, just rename because people will have no bad associations with it and if the search for the name on the internet, they won’t find any negative reviews.
At any rate, steer clear of this one.