Relationship Advice: Dating Older Women
Dating older women is something that a lot of guys dream about, but in order to stand out in a crowd of young men, you might need some relationship advice. When older women sign up to online dating websites, they receive a lot of messages from young men who want to date older women. Knowing how to craft the perfect message can give you more chances of being picked out of the bunch. If you don’t know how to craft a message, then reading up on some relationship advice will definitely be beneficial. Instead of sending an older woman a message that clearly shows you want to sleep with her. Try sending her one that makes her forget about her age. Don’t mention anything about age, just compliment her on her looks and ask her a question about herself. Actually read her profile, and try to base your question off of something you saw on there. This will make her feel like you are a genuine person, and she will instantly feel more comfortable with you. The most important relationship advice we can give you, is to give your cougar all the freedom in the world, do not become obsessed with her and always keep the relationship light and fun.
Where To Go Out With A Cougar
If you’ve landed a hot date with a cougar via an adult dating platform, you must be feeling like you are on cloud 9. Knowing where to go out with a cougar will help your chances of bringing her back home with you. Cougars just want to have fun and feel special, but they don’t want to considered as old. When you’re deciding where to take your cougar out on a date, keep in mind that she probably won’t want to go anywhere with a young crowd. While going to a young and hopping club, bar, or restaurant might sound fun to you. It might actually make her want to go home. Cougars want to blend in with the crowd, they certainly don’t want young women looking at them with judgemental eyes. If your date feels like she is being looked at because of the age difference, it might put her in a bad mood. To make sure this doesn’t happen, choose where to go out with your cougar very carefully. Bring her to a nice restaurant and treat her to a fancy meal. Bring her to a bar that serves good drinks, but brings in a crowd of all ages. By doing this, you will please your cougar, therefore pleasing yourself.
How To Keep Your Fling Casual
After meeting a the hottest cougar ever on an adult dating website, you might be thinking about different ways to keep your fling casual. Sure, you want to have as much sex as possible with your older woman, but you don’t want to have to commit to her. You might have discussed this with her beforehand, but you never really know how it’s going to play out. Hell, you might even be the one who starts getting feelings. To keep things casual, just make sure you don’t become too close to your new hookup. If a fling is all you’re looking for, then have a fling and nothing more. Don’t take her out on any casual dates, just have sex with her whenever the timing is right. By doing this, you will ensure that things stay casual and fun at the same time.
What Cougars Like In Bed
Cougars like a variety of different things in bed, much like younger women do. Finding out what cougars like in bed is like trying to count grains of rice — it’s pretty pointless. Cougars pretty much want everything they can get, this is because most of them are newly single and want to experient. A lot of cougars have been out of the dating world for so long that they are looking at you to introduce them to new things. So be suggestive with them, and you might be surprised to find out what cougars really like in bed.
Breaking Up With A Cougar
So you’ve been dating a cougar for a little while now and you’re thinking of breaking up with her. However, you feel like she might have gotten a little attached to you, and you’re afraid to break her heart. Breaking up with a cougar can go two ways. She might be completely okay with it and ready to move on herself, or she might get upset. Whatever the case is, breaking up with a cougar should go smoothly as long as you don’t tell her she’s too old for you.